Successful distribution will place your video in front of people that matter.

Deploy your video on the right mix of channels. Drive traffic to your website. Reach your target audience in places they enjoy consuming information. The content of your video should blend in with the content your target audience is interested in. The key is to not interrupt the user's experience.

Our Video Distribution Service

We analyze your audience personas to learn how they interact with your content and make decisions. Then, we take our findings to create a strategy for how your targeted personas will find and interact with your video. This will guide your audience through the different stages of their customer journey.

Drive Traffic

Direct your target audience to your video on your website. This will increase your google search ranking and limit distractions from other content.

Invest in Your Channels

Give your video maximum exposure on the channels you already have. We will analyze your channels for any improvements.

Target Influencers

We target influencers in your industry to maximize the exposure of your video and place you as an authority on your content.

Why Us?

Understand Audiences

Our team profiles and researches audiences to understand where, when, why, and how they want their content delivered.

Consider User Journey

We think about the way video fits into your wider marketing activity and its place in the customer journey.

Measure Success

Our team puts metrics and systems in place to measure the results, learn from our findings and improve our approach.


Why your business should invest in interview videos

January 31, 2024

An interview is the most effective and efficient way to extract valuable information from subject experts. High profile Television Programs like 60 Minutes and Media Distribution Networks such as The Associated Press (AP), use the interview process to bring compelling stories for increased viewership and brand loyalty. Seeing is believing, […]

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Black Film History

February 1, 2023

February is Black History Month. Let us celebrate all the amazing people who have had such a great impact on the film industry. Recently within the last several years, there have been eye-opening movements to eliminate unjust treatment of Black, Asian, and Muslim Americans. These unjust practices have impacted every […]

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Protected: Robert Burns Memorial

December 30, 2021

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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Create. Amaze. Inspire.

Regardless of the design medium, our aim is to craft something genuinely inspiring. Feel free to reach out for further details or revisit our website for more information. Let's ignite creativity together!