How to match backgrounds in videos that were perviously done by another company. We used our video studio to light our hard white cyc to match.
Merchant Cantos rented our video studio for a multi-camera shoot for PWC (Price Waterhouse Coopers) in March. The shoot was part of an on going video series; so the videos must all look the same. The previous videos were shot on green screen and editors keyed in a gradient background. However, PWC wanted to reduce post production cost by avoiding timely green screen keying. So they decided to custom light our white cyc to match the previous gradated background used in the green screen composite. Seems simple enough, right? Several attempts at individually masking each of the provided 1K space lights created multiple gradations on the background.
The client began to worry that the shoot would not succeed. Pat was able to provide a solution to create a single gradation from multiple light sources. This was accomplished by hanging a single large piece of duvetyn masking all the light from the five 1K’s (see the photo below).

We created a single gradated shadow but also allowed us to control the shape, feathering and direction by simply moving the duvetyn up, down, in and out in relationship to the lights. The client was ecstatic and the video shoot was back on schedule with a matching gradation.

This not only created a single gradated shadow but also allowed us to control the shape, feathering and direction by simply moving the duvetyn up, down, in and out in relationship to the lights. The client was ecstatic and the video shoot was back on schedule with a matching gradation.