First, let’s start with the definition of video marketing. It is the method of using video to promote or market your brand, product or service. A strong marketing campaign incorporates video into the mix. Customer testimonials, videos from live events, how-to videos, explainer videos, corporate training videos, viral (entertainment) videos — the list goes on.

The Benefits of Video Marketing

Video is a Gold Mine for SEO

It can increase your search engine ranking, click-through rates, and conversions. But you have to reach your target audience. YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google. That means a properly tagged video can work wonders for your SEO. Google owns Youtube and will use metadata from YouTube in Google searches.

Video Boosts Conversion Rates

A recent study found that 57% of online consumers were more likely to buy a product they were considering purchasing after watching a video demonstration of that product. Video shows how the product works without having the consumer’s hands on it. Which in the end legitimizes the product.

Video is Easily Accessible 

There are endless platforms for video marketing. YouTube, broadcast television, video boards, and street marketing to name a few. The possibilities are endless. With a smartphone, consumers can access online video anytime as well as anywhere. Whereas, paper marketing is restrictive. With video, you can reach your audience wherever they are in a cost-effective way.

Video is Effective

Studies show that retention rates for internet content with visual and audio are as high as 80%. Content that is only visual has a 20% retention rate. Auditory content gets the lowest retention rate of 10%. Combining visual and audio is powerful.

Video is Emotional 

Video allows you to make a direct appeal to the emotional center of a person’s brain through music, visuals or even a moment of silence. With video, you are also able to attach a face to a concept. The human connection through video is more influential than reading facts in the text.

How to Develop a Video Marketing Campaign

Collect information and analyze research. A video marketing campaign needs to target information about your market, company, and customer. Once you have this information and can shape your video strategy, you can determine the message.

  • What do you want your audience to hear, see and feel?
  • What message are you trying to convey?
  • What is the call to action?

After creating a strategy and developing your message, you should select a production company to make your vision come to life. Sure, anyone can whip out a cell phone and make a short video, but quality is key. A well-made video is the cream of the crop and will rise to the top of the massive amounts of video available online today.

For more information about video marketing please visit our video marketing services page.

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